Beautiful Fall Scenery to Capture on the Blue Ridge Parkway

This time of year is my favorite time to visit the Blue Ridge Parkway due to all of the beautiful fall colors.  The peak coloration of leaves in Southwestern Virginia is on the Blue Ridge Parkway and many visitors flock to the area to catch a glimpse of nature’s splendor.

Make plans for this weekend to head on out to the wide open roads of the Blue Ridge Parkway to take in the glorious fall foliage colors before it’s too late. You will see a variety of tree species ranging from Tulip Poplar, Birch, Black Walnut, Oaks, Red Maple, the Virginia Creeper and many others.

The palette of Autumn is phenomenal but make sure that you have enough free time to drive the parkway. As you will see the most changes in color coming from the northern to southern orientation and changing elevation levels. The trees that are currently in their peak of color are between 2,000 to 3,000 feet in elevation.

While some fall foliage has already disappeared as the leaves are beginning to fall off of the trees, it’s still not too late to get a drive in on the Blue Ridge Parkway. With 469 miles of beautiful sights, you will be in awe of the variety of colors that Mother Nature can produce. From the rusty browns to the scarlet red colors and everything in between, the Parkway is truly able to capture the glory of the Fall season. You can click here to view an updated Blue Ridge Parkway fall color tracker that provides a detailed report and also information regarding color at specific mileposts along the Parkway. Happy Fall everyone!

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