Beer Festival Celebrates 20th Year in Roanoke

Microfestivus, a beer festival showcasing local, regional, and national breweries, is scheduled for Saturday, August 12th, 2017. This year marks the event’s 20th anniversary.

Located in West Downtown Roanoke, Microfestivus features upwards of 180 micro and craft brewed beers to sample from a host of vendors, making the event one of the largest beer festivals on the East Coast. Guests may also purchase enhanced VIP tickets, which allows them entrance into two air-conditioned VIP areas with private bathrooms, specialty limited-release beers, food, early access to the festival, and more.

To purchase tickets, visit

Microfestivus is the signature fundraiser for The Square Society, a non-profit organization that supports Roanoke’s Center in the Square. For more information on The Square Society, please visit

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