Land Surveys For Buyers and Sellers

Land surveys are an often-overlooked part of the real estate trade. A land survey is a detailed inspection of a physical property that shows the actual boundaries of the property, along with all the features that come with it.

It’s important for both buyers and sellers to make sure that there’s a current, accurate land survey done for the property, for a variety of reasons.

Why home buyers need land surveys.

Of course, a current land survey will show buyers exactly what they’re getting with a home, property, or both, so it’s important to know just what you’re investing in. An accurate survey shows all of the buildings on the property and the boundaries of the land.

Another important aspect for buyers is the drain field for the septic system, which should be marked clearly on the land survey. In addition, lakefront property land surveys should show how much shoreline is owned, and the location of docks or other water structures included with the property.

In most cases, the seller will have a current land survey. If there isn’t one, buyers need to request that the seller have it done before signing on a property.

Why home and property sellers need land surveys.

Most often, it’s sellers who wonder whether they need to have a land survey done. The answer is yes—even if you have property that has been passed down through your family from generation to generation, and particularly if your property comes with a lot of acreage.

It’s essential to know just where the property lines lay on your land. You should also be aware of whether there are any easements on the property, or other issues that would cause problems and encumber the closing process.

If you have a property you’re planning to put up for sale, and you’re wondering about land surveys, contact Debbie with any question you may have—or for recommendations on reputable Smith Mountain Lake surveyors who will provide you with an estimate before coming to the property to get started.

Debbie Shelton | 540.797.3177 |

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